
the virtual data center
a fully working walkable
1401 3D simulation - for free



the information here may be behind schedule for some days.

for up-to-date info see the related discord channels:
- discord channel for bugs & fixes: discord bugs & fixes
- discord channel for announcements: discord announcements

changelog, latest at top:

Uploaded 0.4.7b version
- in the video settings, added an option to select the Anti-Aliasing Method
- the CC/F carriage control command now mostly works as expected,
   except that currently there's no configurable carriage tape.
- fixed a nasty bug in the read-tape-with-WM command 'L %Ux bbb R', where the
   WM of the GM+WM to indicate the buffer end could be un-set if the
   tape record had exactly the length of the buffer

Uploaded 0.4.6b version
- fixed bug in the 'H/'Q' store-address-register commands; details see announcements on discord

Uploaded 0.4.5b version
- the internal handling of the 'select stacker' command (SS/K) has been completely
 reworked; should now work independently of any timing shenanigans
- fixed bug after multiple overflows for 'add' comamnd (A) corrected irritating STAR
   lamp state when waiting for a card after 'read' command (R/1)
- added two card programs and two mounted tapes to the download-zip to ease future
   introduction for beginners:
   hello world from cards + hello world from tapeload + cards for listing of data from tape drive 2
- added an address cheat sheet to the main menu

07.06.2024 12:00
Uploaded 0.4.4b version
- fixed unwanted overwriting of unrelated files while imexport
- some improvements on input handling during info dialogs; should prevent possible deadlocks now
- some minor text corrections

07.06.2024 10:31
in 0.4.3b there's a nasty bug in the imexport file dialog section which may falsely overwrite files.
